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About Measurement Canada
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Help Page

For general help with Strategis, please visit the Strategis Help Page.

The help page is intended to make your navigation of the Measurement Canada site easier. It explains how the Measurement Canada site is structured and what is behind each navigation button.

If you still can't find what you are looking for, or have any suggestions about how we can improve the site, please contact us with your Comment, Questions and/or Suggestions and let a Measurement Canada representative assist you.

Navigation buttons

Page breakdown: Each page will have the same layout. The main sections are described below.

Sidebar Measurement Canada Navigation Bar
Breadcrumb level 1 level 2 ...



The Header

Takes you out of the Measurement Canada site to Industry Canada's main web site, Strategis. Measurement Canada's Internet site is part of Industry Canada's Strategis. The header allows quick and easy access to the various programs/services at Industry Canada.

Black buttons

Français Toggles between the English and French versions of the page you are viewing.

Contact Us Contact information for Industry Canada, its programs and services. There is also contact information for Measurement Canada available under About Us (see description of green buttons below). This page provides information on Measurement Canada's, mission, mandate (governing Acts and regulations), contact information etc.

Help Links to pages that help you use the site: how to search, how to navigate, site maps, Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) etc.

Search Search the entire Industry Canada Strategis web site.

Canada Site Takes you out of Strategis to the Government of Canada's main web site.

Green buttons

Home Takes you to the menu page of Strategis.

Site Map Shows a graphical view of the overall information structure of Strategis.

What's New Description of recently added information or changes to the Measurement Canada site.

About Us This page provides information on Measurement Canada's, mission, mandate (governing Acts and regulations), contact information etc. Also located here is the Site map which is a valuable tool for finding specific information.

Registration Directs you to the Industry Canada/Strategis Registration page where you can create a new registration, update an existing registration, or use the automated Username/Password lookup facility.

Blue buttons


Above the Measurement Canada banner, there is a "breadcrumb" navigation tool bar. Each breadcrumb represents a different level within our site. As you navigate deeper into our site you will leave a trail of breadcrumbs. This trail will orient you as to where you are within our site. Referring to the example below,

Breadcrumb navigation level 1 level 2 level 3

the first breadcrumb, starting from the left will always be Measurement Canada's home page, this is followed by level 1, level 2, level 3 and so on, the last level being the page you are currently viewing. At any time, you can click any of these levels within this trail and it will take you directly to that level.

Measurement Canada Navigation Button Bar

Under the title bar, there is a series of links that provide easy access to specific subject areas of Measurement Canada. A brief description of these subject area is provided below.

Blue buttons

Services Acts directory of the services Measurement Canada provides in support of the accurate measurement of goods and services in Canada.

Authorized Service Providers This page provides a detailed explanation of Measurement Canada programs which authorize private sector companies, who meet specified standards to verify measuring instruments (e.g. scales, gasoline pumps, electricity and natural gas meters) on Measurement Canada's behalf.

CFTM Each year Measurement Canada hosts the Canadian forum on trade Measurement (CFTM), an event which focuses on obtaining industry, business and consumer perspectives and opinions on the rules, procedures and programs which govern the accurate measurement of goods and services in Canada.

Approvals All measuring instruments (e.g. scales, gasoline pumps, electricity and natural gas meters) must be approved for use in Canada. This page focuses on the process for measuring instruments approval. Here you will also find a directory of all the devices approved for use in trade in Canada.

Sector Review Measurement Canada led consultations with industry, business and consumers to obtain their views and recommendations on how measurement accuracy should be achieved and monitored in the market place sectors in which measurement forms the basis of the financial transaction. Measurement Canada will make changes to its programs and services based on the results of these consultations! Here you will find the results of completed sector reviews and the status of recommended changes to programs and services and how to express your views and ideas on sector reviews which are underway.

Electricity Information on the programs, services, rules and requirements specific to electricity measurement.

Volume Information on the programs, services, rules and requirements specific to volume measurement.

Natural Gas Information on the programs, services, rules and requirements specific to natural gas measurement.

Mass Information on the programs, services, rules and requirements specific to mass measurement.

The Sidebar

A separate sidebar menu appears in each of the main sections of the site (i.e. Services, Accreditation, etc...). It allows you to navigate the site with ease within a specific section. Use the sidebar to quickly jump between various areas within a particular section.


The content pages of our web site vary greatly and include menu pages, regulatory information, news items, databases and publications.

The Footer

The footer displays the date of the last update and provides links to the top of the page and to important notices.

  1. Updated shows the last time the current page was updated or reviewed in the YYY-MM-DD format.
  2. The "Top of Page" arrow Top of page (access key: M) returns to the top of the page that is currently being viewed.
  3. The Important Notices contains valuable information regarding reproduction of documents (commercial and non-commercial), use of third-party materials, disclaimer and privacy, and official languages policies of the Government of Canada.

    Created: 2003-07-09
Updated: 2004-04-19
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